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How often should I brush my teeth?

Ideally, you should brush your teeth three times a day or at least twice at the minimum. You should also floss your teeth once a day as well, considering that your toothbrush can only clean part of your teeth and floss helps get those tough to reach places that your toothbrush can't reach.

How often do I actually need to visit the dentist?

Most people need to visit their dentist for a regular hygiene visit twice a year, or once every six months. There are exceptions to this rule, however. If you have gum disease, or a history of gum disease, your dentist may recommend more frequent visits. Another reason you may need to see the dentist more frequently is if you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. The bottom line is that you need to at least see the dentist twice a year and you need to comply if it is recommended that you make those visits more frequent.

How safe are dental X-Rays?

Dental x-rays are very safe. The amount of radiation that a dental x-ray produces is about the same as you would receive from a cross country airplane ride.

At what age should my child visit the dentist?

Your child's first visit to the dentist should be made once they reach 6 months of life. Many offices will say once their first tooth comes our then you can make the appointment, but Dr. Correa knows that taking care of your child's oral health even before their teeth began to come is vitally important.

What are my options to repair a cracked or broken tooth?

Treatment options for a fractured tooth will depend on the size and location of the fracture. First, the damaged part of the tooth is removed. A small crack? Usually a filling will fix it. A bigger crack? You may need a crown. A really bad crack that goes into the root or the center of the tooth? You may need that tooth to come out (extracted)

Could changes in my gum be a sign of a bigger issue?

Changes in gum tissue, texture, tone, and inflammatory state (i.e., bleeding) are often signs of poor oral hygiene and the need for a professional cleaning. If you are experiening these symptoms, please make an appointment with our office as soon as possible before irreparable damage is done to your teeth and gums.

Should I worry about teeth grinding?

Teeth grinding or Bruxism as it's well known as is a condition in which your teeth grind against each other unconsciously, usually while you're asleep. It can be a sign of a larger problem such as immense stress, respiratory problems, or other issues. Symptoms may include: facial pain, headaches, earache, pain and stiffness in the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint) and surrounding muscles, which can lead to temporomandibular disorder (TMD), disrupted sleep (for you or your partner), and other issues.

What are veneers?

A veneer is a thin piece of porcelain used to re-create the natural look of teeth, while also providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel. They are custom made to the contour of your teeth and are bonded to the tooth's original enamel.

Is laser dentistry really pain-free?

Laser dentistry is a fast and effective method that uses heat and light to perform a wide variety of dental procedures. Most importantly, laser dentistry is virtually pain-free! A laser dental treatment works by honing an intense beam of light energy to perform precise dental procedures.

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